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This tourmaline is from Mozambique in the 1980's & was part of a parcel of rough tourmaline ethically sourced through our block supply chain & was hand cut by Alan Poultney, it has now been recut from a 8.20ct standard step cut into a more modern design.


The tourmaline:


Invent No: APD252 0006


Estimated weights colours & clarities

  • Estimated weight: 6.21cts
  • Cut: emerald modified crisscross cut
  • Estimated Colour: transparent pink
  • Colour  Distribution: even
  • Hue: medium/strong
  • Tone: medium/strong
  • Estimated Clarity:LI (Lightly Included)
  • Brilliance: 95%
  • Girdle: Polished
  • Dimensions: 11.50mm x 9.55mm x 7.61mm    
  •                            (Length x width x depth)
  • Refractive Indices: 1.610  -  1.698
  • Specific Gravity: 2.82-3.90
  • Hardness: 7 - 7.5
  • Orign: Congo Africa
  • Treatment: No eveidence of heat treatment

Tourmaline 6.21ct Pink Emerald Crisscross Cut


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